Félelmetes fotók a portugáliai erdőtűz pusztításáról

Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. 
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.  / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
A man stands on the roadside watching a wildfire at Anciao, Leiria, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. 
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
A firefighter stands on top of a fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
Firefighters rest during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. 
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
The dead body of a victim of a wildfire lies covered by a blanket on a road in Pedrogao, on June 18, 2017.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
A picture taken on June 18, 2017 shows a burnt car on a road after a wildfire in Pedrogao, in central Portugal.
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 57 people and injured 59 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
A firefighter rests next to fire combat truck during a wildfire at Penela, Coimbra, central Portugal, on June 18, 2017. 
A wildfire in central Portugal killed at least 25 people and injured 16 others, most of them burning to death in their cars, the government said on June 18, 2017. Several hundred firefighters and 160 vehicles were dispatched late on June 17 to tackle the blaze, which broke out in the afternoon in the municipality of Pedrogao Grande before spreading fast across several fronts.    / AFP PHOTO / PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA
Fotó: Europress
Pedrógao Grande, 2017. június 18.
Erdõtûz pusztít a Portugália középsõ részén található Leiria térségében, Pedrógao Grande közelében 2017. június 17-én. A környezõ falvakat is fenyegetõ heves tûzben negyvenhárom ember életét vesztette, ötvenkilencen  megsérültek. (MTI/EPA/Paulo Cunha)
Fotó: MTI
Pedrógao Grande, 2017. június 18.
Egy ház ég a Portugália középsõ részén található Leiria térségében, Pedrógao Grande közelében, ahol erdõtûz pusztít 2017. június 17-én. A környezõ falvakat is fenyegetõ heves tûzben negyvenhárom ember életét vesztette, ötvenkilencen  megsérültek. (MTI/EPA/Paulo Cunha)
Fotó: MTI
Pedrógao Grande, 2017. június 18.
Egy asszony ül a földön a Portugália középsõ részén található Leiria térségében, Pedrógao Grande közelében, ahol erdõtûz pusztít 2017. június 17-én. A környezõ falvakat is fenyegetõ heves tûzben negyvenhárom ember életét vesztette, ötvenkilencen  megsérültek. (MTI/EPA/Paulo Cunha)
Fotó: MTI
Avelar, 2017. június 18.
Tûzoltók próbálják megfékezni az erdõtûz lángjait a Portugália középsõ részén lévõ Leiria térségében, Avelar település közelében 2017. június 17-én. A környezõ falvakat is fenyegetõ heves tûzben negyvenhárom ember életét vesztette, ötvenkilencen  megsérültek. (MTI/AP/Armando Franca)
Fotó: MTI

Source: 24 teszt